Release 1.0.2
  - Added possibility to tell a user specified filename if
    the program generate an existing filename.
  - After you start the program you can change the font size
    with F2 and F3 button.
  - Make rnx.ico file for win32 
  - Improved 
  - The place of translation files changed to /usr/local/share/renamer/translations/
  - The language loaing code now indepenent from the language.
  - Write TRANSLATORS_README file for everyone who like to make a new translation.
  - Language fixes

 Release 1.0.1
  - Added id3 track number option.
  - Now you can redefine the starting value of numbering tag using "n(start)" instead "n",
    so if you want to start the numbering from 15 you have to do "n(15)"
  - The "coudn't rename file" box print the name of problematic file. 
  - Fixing font-size problem, Now the program use it's own font size.
    (If you even need change the size, rewrite the DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE
    define directive in rn.cpp)
  - Some Makefile fixes.

 Release 1.0
  - Do not read symlink directories in recursive mode.
  - You can recall the previos controll stings in the edit box.
 Release 0.97 beta

  - The main window become resizeable so you will be able to see more file together
    if you increase the size.
  - Fix some gui bug
  - Fix compling on gcc 3.2 (patch from )
 Release 0.96 beta

  - Control string fixes (you can put spaces around the | (pipe) sign )
  - You can compile rnx under win32
    and with older version of QT (see readme)
  - You have more facilities if you generate an existing filename
    for example: Skip ,Overwrite, Skip all,Overwrite all,Abort, etc (below)     
  - The program can do (only) case conversion on non case sensitive filesystem 
    (for example: on fat)  with using temporally filenames. 
    When an existing filename generated you can select this option.
  - Fix colors of pixmap Logo on main window.   

 Release 0.95 beta

  - bugfixes in builder page.
    (tab-widget events)
  - fixed popup menu    

 Release 0.94 beta

  - New builder page! Now you can do many kind of case conversions 
    as controll string  command, which can build from a builder
    (On a new tab widget).
  - Language support. So I have made a hungarian translation.
    (If you make a translation for a language just send me in e-mail
     and I'll put to the next release.  MAIL: ) 
 Release 0.93 beta
  - You can concatenate more command in one round. 
    (So you can do with one round what you could do with more than one round before)
  - Added UNDO and UNDO-ALL function in the builder
  - User interface changes
  - Added missing functions to the help panel.
  - Now the program has an own icon. (you can find in the root dir.)
  - I wrote EXAMPLES file to show the features of program.

 Release 0.92 beta
  - Buxfixes in the dir-list
  - Added protection from unwilling rename
  - Added recursive directory read option
 Release 0.91 beta
  - Added dirlist to easely open directoryes.
 Release 0.9 beta 
  First release.